2 Adventures in Fair Isle Show Notes

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The podcast where QuiltMoxie meets Craftsy.

Join your host Ariana, who is enrolled in many Craftsy.com online classes, and come along as she shares her class progress with you.  Craftsy is an online community dedicated to providing the best education and resources for crafters.

2 Adventures in Fair Isle

To play podcast click on link : Episode  2 – Adventures in Fair Isle

Topics include:

  1. Ravelry Group Setup
  2. Adventures in Fair Isle
  3. Celtic Cables
  4. Links

Ariana recounts her adventures in Fair Isle, which is ongoing.  Taking the online class The Fair Isle Vest: Stranded & Steeked Mary Jane Mucklestone, Ariana learns to knit shetland wool into a gorgeous vest .  After she photographs and posts pictures to the Craftsy platform, the vest felts in her washing machine.  She talks about:


  • Monkey socks by Cookie A.
  • how to rescue a felted garment 
  • Steeking
  • Finishing stranded knitting
  • Frogging ribbing to come and more.

Ariana continues with Celtic Cables which includes steeking the body and attaching the sleeves.

1. Ravelry Group Setup

Join QuiltMoxie the Podcast Group on Ravelry and let us know how you are progressing through the Craftsy classes. Here is the place to share your tips and insights

Ravelry Group has been setup and is located at the following link:




2. Adventures in Fair Isle

The Fair Isle Vest: Stranded & Steeked

I loved this class by Mary Jane Mucklestone.  

3. Celtic Cables

Review where we left off last podcast where I show two sleeves which were knit two sleeves at the same time with a mirrored cable pattern. 

This time we talk about cast on.  I show another way to cast on using knit and purl long tail cast on method.  I elaborate how to easily cast on and keep count of stitches.  Count every 5 and slip scrap yarn (at each increment of 10) which makes it easy to count and keep track of your stitches.

Highlights include:

  • Steeking cardigan resulted in reversed cables which proved to be a knitting divine intervention because the bobble did not end up where it should not be 
  • Cables with no cable needle
  • Even out cables with a knitting needle
  • Where the thread tension was not even, I bury with a crochet hook

4. Links

3Celtic Cables

The Fair Isle Vest: Stranded & Steeked

Entrelac Knitting

The Art of Fair Isle Knitting: History, Technique, Color & Patterns Ann Feitelson

Monkey Socks

Addi Turbo interchangeable needles


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